Enhanced Safety Report Management System

Published — News

Good news for our safety managers: We have enhanced the Safety Management System based on your feedback!

Flylogs SMS, is an integrated Safety Management System based on the ICAO recommendations fully compliant with the ICAO Doc 9859.


Create a Safety Report

  • Operations Managers and Certified Flight Instructors may create a safety report from the SMS module.
  • Licensed Pilots and Students can create a report directly from any of their flights using the Safety Reports feature.



Create a report for one of your flights:

It is very easy to initiate a Safety Report for one of your flights. After confirming the flight, look for the Safety Reports feature on the right hand column and click on the  Initiate a  Safety Report  button.  Flylogs will automatically fill in basic flight information saving you time.
Once saved, your report will automatically be associated to the flight, showing  all flight information, aircraft maintenance and airworthiness status at the time of the event.
Flylogs helps you gather all the information on any event by requesting to the flight's crew members to create a report for the same event.

Every time a new safety report is created or modified, a notification will be delivered to all company Safety and Operations Managers.

Anonymous reports are available too! If you choose to submit your report anonymously, your profile ID will not be saved on the event.



For The Flight Safety Manager

Different reports on a same event are grouped and the kept with the same IDENTIFICATION number.



The SMS system is available for Flylogs Premium subscriptions.