We are glad to announce the new Pilot Documentation Control System (PDCS), which can be enabled today in any Flylogs account from the Company Settings page.
The PDCS allows you to have a better control of pilot documentation and expiration dates.
This new function also adds a safety barrier that will prevent pilots with expired or missing license or medical certificates from:
- publishing their flight availability,
- confirming any scheduled flights,
- and logging any flights.
Student pilots will only be required to upload a valid medical certificate in order to publish their schedule and confirm it.
The configuration page in the company settings area is fairly simple, just click both checkboxes to fully enable the PDCS and instantly the system will watch your back.
For example; A pilot with an expired license will not be able to publish schedule availability if any of his/her licenses are expired - like shown in the image below.
Last; when creating the schedule, if you select a pilot with expired paperwork, you will receive an alert to let you know about the issue.
The system will still allow you to schedule a flight after closing the alert. This is allowed in order to schedule license revalidation flights specifically.